How To Defrag Your Windows
In our blog “How to Speed Up Your PC Laptop”, we touched on why you should defrag your computer windows. We explained the importance of the process in speeding up your PC Laptop. In the blog, we explained fragmentation occurs when your computer files aren’t stored as a single chunk of information. Instead, the files are split and scattered everywhere on PC memory storage. Defragmenting your computer is literally organizing your files on the hard drive and assembling them perfectly to use your hard drive in the most efficient way.
Today, we will touch on the steps of defragmenting our hard drive using different Windows versions.

To Defragment your Windows 10 PC, you simply need:
- Go to the Search Bar on the taskbar and enter defrag.
- Choose Defragment and Optimize Drives.
- Select the disk drive you want to optimize.
- Click on the Optimize button.
To Defragment your Windows 7 PC, you need to:
- Open the Computer window.
- Right-click the media you want to defragment, such as the main hard drive, C.
- In the drive’s Properties dialog box, click the Tools tab.
- Click Defragment Now button.
- Select the Defragment Disk button.
- Click the Close button, and close up any other windows you opened.
To Defragment Windows 8/8.1 Pc, follow the below steps:
- Go to Start menu.
- Right click the Start menu background to bring up the app commands.
- Select ‘All apps‘.
- Scroll to the ‘Control Panel‘ then left click on it.
- On the upper right side of the Control Panel there is a ‘View by:‘ pull-down menu (the default is Category). Left click on the arrow to the right and select either ‘Large icons‘ or ‘Small icons‘.
- Left click on ‘Administrative Tools‘.
- Double left-click ‘Defragment and Optimize Drives‘.
- Select the drive you want to optimize and click on ‘Optimize‘.
To Defragment your Windows XP, you need to:
- Go to Start Menu.
- Select Program→ Accessories→ System Tools→ Disk Defragmenter.
- Select the drive you want to defrag.
- Click on Defragment
To Defragment your Windows Vista, you simply need to:
- Click on Start Menu → Control Panel → System and Maintenance → Administrative Tools.
- Click on Defragment Your Hard.
All Operating Systems have an Analyze Disk button which is usually located right beside the defragment button. You can always make sure first if your computer needs to be defragmented by clicking on the Analyze Disk button to see how organized your files are on your hard disk. If the opened page gives you an idea of how scattered your files are within the hard disk, then go ahead and start defragmentation. If not, then you’ve saved at least 2-3 hours of your time. 🙂
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