6 Tips To Focus On When Buying Laptop For College
Heading to College and wanna prepare yourself? Probably, it’s you mom or dad who’s checking out what to look for in the laptop you’re buying for your kid. Yes! Your kid is heading to University.
Here Are 6 Tips To Focus On When Buying Laptop For College:
You need a computer that can easily share data with colleagues
Remember you’ll always be hooked up in projects. Many of them will be group projects. Obviously, you will be required to share files with your group mates all the time until dead line hits. For that reason, it is essential to buy a laptop that is compatible with i) any docking Station and ii) other laptop brands.
Select a speedy computer
One of the technical specifications you need to look at is the processor. The main processor speeds in the market is Core i3 which is basically slow, Core i5 which is a moderate speed and Core i7 which is a high speed. There is a new Core i9 that just hit the market. Do not go that far even if you expect to save heavy files on your laptop. Core i7 would be the best option for you. If you are joining an art school where your files will be mainly Words and Power Point Presentations, then Core i5 would serve the cause.
You might also want to read our blog on how to speed up your computer to be able to constantly organize your files while you are at school.
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Make sure Solid State Drive SSD is sufficient for your work
Think of your laptop as your close friend who is going to accompany you for 2-4 years. It is true. All your files will be saved on that laptop for at least 2 years. You want to make sure you have sufficient space on your laptop that will save all your important data throughout your school years. Choose between 256GB to 512GB. Do not go lower than that.
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What are you Studying? Does it include Graphic Design?
Another Technical Specification you need to look at is the Graphics Controller Model. Select UHD Graphics 620 if your studies are related to any kind of graphic design.
Will you be opening multiple files and adding or moving information constantly between them?
This question is mainly for Post Grads. If your work on your laptop requires constant share of data from one file to another, then you definitely need a Touchscreen 2-in1 Laptop. You will save a lot of time by dragging the data you want from one spot to the other through your screen rather than through your keyboard. This feature will be a life saver especially when you are so close to the deadline time.
You’ll always have your laptop with you, either in your backpack or between your hands. You need a light notebook. Make sure to check the weight on the Package information. You might want to go with weight between 1.3kg to 1.6kg.
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Remember you’re buying laptop for College. That laptop will be your best buddy for the next couple of years, so select what’s best for you. Do not choose specifications lower than you need to save because later you will end up buying other devices to top up your notebook’s features. Do not either think of getting a notebook with higher features than you need, just because you are thinking from what if prospective. You will end up buying more expensive laptop than what you really need.
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