3 Data Storage Solutions
We’ve been using electronic devices for many decades now. These cool devices made us capture a lot of lovely memories and save tons of important documents. We built a habit of using our devices more often than our notebooks, diaries and agendas. We then started facing an issue: We run out of our device memories so fast! That’s an issue, isn’t it?! In this blog, you will find saving your important data is no loner an issue. In that blog, you will identify 3 data storage solutions that help you save your pics, videos and files in places other than your phone and computer in hand.
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Portable Hard Drives
A Portable Hard Drive functions exactly as the hard disk drive assembled in your computer or laptop. It is designed in the same way your hard disk drive was designed. The only difference is that It-is-Portable. Now you can move all data you have on your hard disk to your portable one, defrag your computer and reuse all the memory again. At anytime you want to pull up any file you saved a while ago, you can simply plug the portable hard drive into your computer and open that document. If it’s a Word, Excel sheet, Power Point Presentation or any file you want to add on new updates, you can simply do that while the file is on the Portable Hard Drive.
Most Portable Hard Drives carry Terabytes memory capacities. 1 TB = 1000GB. Some Portable Hard Drives hold 4 and 5 Terabytes. If you want to know how much your computer or laptop storage is, simply go to Setting → Storage. You can then compare and picture how The Portable Hard Drive can be a solution for your Storage capacity challenge.
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Portable Sold State Drives
The Portable Solid State Drive is an awesome device that was made to save all your pics, videos, movies, games and more. You can plug it into your smartphone, tablet, game console and smart TV. You can then move all your data to your Portable SSD and clear up all your other smart devices. Having up to 2 TB (2000 GB) helps you move all data on your smart devices to one place. It helps you reuse the storage capacity on your daily used smarties and save new files.
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The high speed, lightweight Portable SSD is a magnificent data storage solution for those of us who mainly use and upload pics and videos on their devices. Thanks to the Portable SSD, retrieving these kinds of data became very simple and attainable.
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A Cloud is a storage solution that is served by a hosting company. That company creates a storage capacity for the user to save their data and retrieve it at anytime. This kind of storage solution is used by individuals who access their files through multiple devices. It is also used by businesses with multiple departments, where each department saves files that are used by the entire company in this cloud place. All other departments can then access these files. Clouds are also utilized by businesses that have different locations or branches. Branches would then save files that need to be accessed by other branches in that cloud place.
Before, companies used to set their own Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN) and completely rely on their storage capacity. Now companies have more options. Aside of setting their LAN and WAN, they also have the option of renting or leasing a storage capacity in a hosting company. That option saved a lot of money for many companies.
We hope the 3 data storage solutions helped you organize all kinds of data you have. You’ll find some shared links in the article that directed you to other sites. These are companies that we were able to get some deals from them for you. While you enjoy these deals, we receive a credit.
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