Cartoon Animation vs Whiteboard Animation – Promoting Business
Cartoons are such effective communicators. Cartoons are one of the most effective means of communication we have. But the question is when to use Cartoon Animation and when to use Whiteboard Animation for promoting your business. In this blog, we will consider cartoon animation vs. whiteboard videos to find out which one suits best your business goals.
When Is Cartoon Animation a Better Option?
You need to make a 1 min video
Cartoon animation allows you to keep a video shorter and get directly to the essence of a concept. Cartoon animation doesn’t require you to spend time on displaying the illustration drawing process, and it helps you save a significant amount of time.
Emphasize your brand colors and brand identity design in the video
Sometimes, the design of products or services includes primary brand colors. In this case, it is essential to emphasize this distinctive peculiarity in the video, and whiteboard animation is not a good option. Why? Just because it is white-and-black. It doesn’t allow you to highlight a brand identity as brightly as you might want it. Although it performs plenty of other amazing functions
If color plays a huge role in the product’s marketing and design, it is recommended to use cartoon animation.
If you want to make a fun video!
Since childhood, lovely cartoons made us laugh and have fun. To entertain people is the initial function of cartoon animation. The cartoony style allows you to catch and emphasize humor by using a fun beat and rhythm of cartoon animation. While in whiteboard animation, these peculiarities are not available.
When Is Whiteboard Animation a Better Option?
You need to convey a complicated idea in a simple form
If you choose whiteboard animation, you will incline the audience directly to the explanation. Watching a whiteboard video, you can feel yourself like in front of a blackboard in a classroom. You are merely listening to what a teacher tries to explain to you in the easiest way.
If you want to add written words
You can use a sound and voice over to explain ideas that are depicted in the video. However, written phrases and keywords on the background can emphasize a concept even more. In whiteboard videos, it is much easier to add a name of service or a factoid nearside the main illustration than in cartoon animation.
The ability to add written words is, actually, one of the explanatory powers of the whiteboard animation.
You need to make a video a bit longer
You should always try to make explainer videos as short as possible to keep the viewer engaged. However, sometimes you should produce an explainer animated video that is longer than usual, and you have no other option.
If you are facing this situation, then use whiteboard animation. This technique is oriented more at the education and explanation aspects, rather than entertaining.
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