How to Activate Alt Key on Your Laptop
The Alt key on a computer keyboard is used to change the function of other pressed keys. Alt is short for Alternate. Thus, the Alt key is a modifier key that is used in a similar way to the Shift key. Even though it is challenging for you to activate Alt-key on laptop, we will guide you through the process step by step and will show you how to activate the Alt key and use the codes you are familiar with.
Due to a lot of technology inserted on your keyboard, you might now find PC keyboards do not work exactly as Laptop keyboards do. For that reason, the Alt key might be confusing for you to use if you are working on a laptop.
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First of all, look closely at your keyboard. You see the numbers ranged out on the second top row of your keyboard. If you look closer though, you’ll find some keys have letters and numbers as well. Your Numeric Keypad now shows on your laptop keyboard as follows:
7 8 9
U-4 I-5 O-6
J-1 K-2 L-3
Now in order to activate your “True” Numeric Keypad and use it for the Alt functions, you need to press on fn+homeF11. Notice when you activate your numeric keypad the page you are working on will expand that you will not be able to see any other tabs that were already opened. When you deactivate your numeric keypad by just pressing again on fn+homeF11, you will find the page went back to its normal size.
Second, with Laptops you need to use fn key together with the Alt key to print the code. So basically, that’s how it works: Press Alt+fn+ number code on the numeric keypad.
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Let’s try to demonstrate:
Activate your Numeric Keypad {fn+homeF11}
Press {Alt+fn+J1} ☺
Press {Alt+fn+K2} ☻
You are now able to use your Alt codes. You might want to read our next blog that shows you some cool alt codes you might not know. Please add your comments below and share your experience with us or carry the discussion over to our Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, MeWe or Tumbler. If you haven’t subscribed yet, go ahead and do that and you will receive “10% OFF” discount code on your favorite products.